
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


   习近平又语出惊人,他说:中国梦“与包括美国梦在内的世界各国人民的美好梦想相通。”更有御用文人吹嘘中国梦已经超越了美国梦,但在每年有超过一百 万的人宣誓成为美国公民的今天,在无数中国人继续冒着风险甚至冒着生命危险偷渡到美国的今天,这样的自我标榜实在是鲜廉寡耻。中国梦和美国梦果真相通吗?

   美国梦就是:确信不论肤色、种族、信仰“人人生而平等,他们都从他们的造物主那里被赋予了某些不可剥夺的权利,包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权 利。”所有阶层的公民只要辛勤耕耘,就会有收获。都能“过上更好、更富裕和更幸福的生活”。1931年5月詹姆斯·特拉斯洛·亚当斯完成的《美国史诗》一 书使“美国梦”一词在美国变得家喻户晓。

   而中国梦则是:“要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福”。所有劳动者都应该“将自己的梦想与国家梦想联系起来,履行对国家的义务”。而所谓的“人民 幸福”是由国家界定的,国家认为最要紧的是生存权,所以对老百姓来说:活着就是幸福!因此中国人民一直被国家规定是世界上最幸福的人,一度还承担解放世界 上四分之三生活在水深火热之中人类的伟大使命。所以人民是垫底,国家才是重点。而国家是属于党的,而党是由一小撮权贵玩弄的。权贵们可以任意把自己的梦说 成是人民的梦,国家的梦,可谓一朝权贵一朝梦。


   您凝聚流光的名字 ——
   凝视中宽柔撒满长桥 海港
   Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
   With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
   Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
   A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
   Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
   Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
   Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
   The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
   "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
   With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
   Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
   The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
   Send these, the homeless, tempest-tosset to me,
   I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
   Facebook:shenqi fu


  1. 中国梦荒诞!美国梦在奥巴马手里走样.美国梦是美国宪法的民主自由精神,而奥巴马让NSA窃听美联社记者,忠于美国的白人,欧洲共同体盟国的电子邮件和电话的做法背离了美国宪法规定,我的美国白人朋友,美国国会议员和欧盟国家都批评奥巴马. 停手吧,奥巴马,为世界树立民主自由的典范.

  2. 尊敬的中国民主党全国委员会秘书长傅申奇先生:
    你好!我在美国塞班今年11月初要进入最后的联邦移民法庭,请求秘书长用手写的签名证明一 下:"
    王妙根(Wang Miaogen)是中国民主党上海市成员,在1998年中共对民主党人的大逮捕中被关进上海市公安局安康医院.

    联邦法官要求多方面证明人,而我是在1997年7月1日被逮捕,关进上海市公安局安康医院.王妙根与我一起同关12年,受尽酷刑.在美国国务院2004, 2005,2006年的人权报告中国部分,酷刑章节有我和王妙根的英语名字:
    China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau)
    Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
    March 8, 2006
    Arrest and Detention:
    According to foreign researchers, the country had 20 ankang institutions (high-security psychiatric hospitals for the criminally insane) directly administered by the Ministry of Public Security. Some dissidents, persistent petitioners, and others were housed with mentally ill patients in these institutions. Patients in these hospitals were reportedly given medicine against their will and forcibly subjected to electric shock treatment. The regulations for committing a person into an ankang psychiatric facility were not clear. Credible reports indicated that a number of political and trade union activists, underground religious believers, persons who repeatedly petitioned the government, members of the banned China Democratic Party, and Falun Gong adherents were incarcerated in such facilities during the year. These included Wang Miaogen, Wang Chanhao, Pan Zhiming, and Li Da, who were reportedly held in an ankang facility run by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau. In August Wang Wanxing, who unfurled a banner in Tiananmen Square on the third anniversary of the 1989 massacre, was released from a Beijing ankang run by the Ministry of Public Security and sent abroad. After his release, he described conditions in the ankang as "basically sadistic" and said he witnessed a petitioner held in the facility who choked to death from force-feeding.
