
Friday, March 2, 2012


   时至今日,习近平说他们没有输出革命,作为一个自封的革命政权,这样说等于承认了以前的恶行。但大家都知道,今日中共的革命输出,只不过是改变了面 貌和模式而已。世界上残害自己国民的邪恶政权,背后几乎都有中共的影子。这些政权可以饱受国际社会杯葛禁运而屹立不倒,皆应在武器和物资方面均有中共作靠 山。
   意识形态上的输出,则有境外传媒的掌握利用,近来因为手头的钱多了,更走出海外华人传媒范围,向西方传媒渗透。另一项输出,是喝饱了狼奶的人朝西方 国家移民。入籍当了外国人,然后倒打一耙,站在中共利益立场当他们宣传的代理人。以前被中共折腾的是第三世界,今后是先进国家,等着瞧。
   Changing the Appearance and Dishing up New Form of “Export”
    When Xi Jinping visited foreign countries, he grumbled for foreigners usually criticize the Chinese Communist Party. He said the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t export revolution, hunger and poverty and we also don’t make trouble to you, why you still complain about us. As a Chinese vice president, Xi should attend to numerous affairs of state every day. So he’s forgettable, we should help to review something.
    The Chinese Communist Party exported revolution and supported Kim II Sung in military. The prices were thousands of Chinese military men’s lives, a 6.3-billion-dollar war-fighting expense, a 5.6-million-ton fighting goods and materials. It results North Korea has been fell behind and closed about sixty years. Nowadays the Chinese Communist Party still annual provides a half-million-ton food, a million-ton oil and a 2.5-million-ton coal. If the Chinese Communist Party stops giving aid and supporting the North Korean feudal dynasty can’t maintain its reign of terror even one day. The Chinese Communist Party abetted Indonesian Communist Party leader, Aidit to stage a military coup. The failed result implicated a plenty of Chinese Indonesian people were killed and Chinese Indonesian people had tasted to the full the discrimination in decades. The Chinese Communist Party supported the Vietnamese Communist Party in military. Except the army of the Chinese Communist Party disguised the North Vietnamese army to fight, the Chinese Communist Party also provided 116,000 firearms, 4,630 big guns, rice and so on. The countless people died in Vietnamese civil war. The return of the support was an unfounded countercharge from the Vietnamese Communist Party, and then the Vietnamese Communist Party practiced capitalism under the signboard of communism. The Chinese Communist Party supported the Cambodian Communist Party. Millions of Cambodian people were killed in massacre. A flourishing Phnom Penh became a hell on earth. The Chinese Communist Party supported Albania. When it heard Hoxha’s request, it ignored its own people would be bodies of the starved and transferred the wheat that it just bought from Canada for emergency to Albania on the sea. The Chinese Communist Party also support supported the Malaysian and the Burmese Communist Party by exported revolution. The crimes of the Chinese Communist Party were too numerous to record. Actually, its exported revolution was a series of suffering exports to its own national and the foreign common people.
    Xi Jinping said they don’t export revolution. As proclaimed oneself a revolutionary regime, this wording means he recognized the former evil conducts. Actually, we all know the Chinese Communist Party still exports the revolution now; it just changes the appearance and form. In this world, almost every wicked regime which slaughters its own national has a shadow of the Chinese Communist Party behind it. These regimes are embargoed by the international society, but they still stand erect. Because they have the Chinese Communist Party as their backer to provide them weapons, goods and materials.
    For the ideology export, the Chinese Communist Party depends on oversea medium to operation. In recent time, it holds enough money. It doesn’t just satisfy in the range of the Chinese medium and begin to seep the western medium. The other export is the Chinese people which drink enough wolf milk emigrate to developed countries and become foreign citizens, and then they make unfounded countecharge. They keep to the stand and interest of the Chinese Communist Party and act as propaganda agents of the party. The Chinese Communist Party made trouble for the developing countries before. It’s going to make trouble for developed countries. We wait and see.
    American Committee of The Democratic Party of China
   Hantao Chen
   february 28 2012

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